Hydrogen as an Antioxidant for Our Body

Hydrogen is the most effective antioxidant, the smallest, and the most abundant and economical.
It is the smallest molecule that exists: it penetrates through the blood vessels, the blood-brain barrier and the walls of the cells until it reaches the nucleus. Therefore neutralizes free radicals more quickly and efficiently than the rest of antioxidants.

It is able to trap free radicals that oxidize us, protecting our genes. It selectively eliminates the most harmful free radicals: the hydroxyl radicals.

Functions of hydrogen in our body

According to several studies (*) carried out to date, the functions of hydrogen are the following:

  Neutralizes free radicals: they age us and cause 90% of diseases.
  It inhibits the damage caused by free radicals on our DNA.
  It stimulates the enzymes of the cells that act as antioxidants.
  It is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
  Improve skin's condition.
  Increase energy, mental clarity and attention.
  Improves the metabolism and movement of the intestines.
  Increase sports performance and decrease recovery time.
  Relieves muscle and joint pain.
  Improves blood circulation.

We are 70% water

The most practical and economic way to supply hydrogen to our body is through water enriched with hydrogen. So it is must that water which we intake have sufficient amount of Hydrogen. There are many machine in the market which manage the quantity of hydrogen in water and these machine are called hydrogen water machine.


Hydrogenated water, due to its specific qualities that make it easier to penetrate our tissues, is ideal for proper hydration of the body before any sporting activity.


Both during a race, a game, and in the previous sessions of training, we must maintain a correct contribution of energy. Mitochondria (the motors of cells) need hydrogen to produce the energy (ATP) necessary for their growth, repair and regeneration. The extra supply of hydrogen accelerates the process.


It is very effective for the elimination of lactic acid produced during physical exercise, facilitating muscle recovery. Help us recover much better after the effort made.


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